Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Cupcake Queen by Heather Hepler

book cover of 
The Cupcake Queen 
Heather Hepler

The Cupcake Queen
by Heather Hepler
242  pages
Truman Readers Award Nominee

This book isn't what I usually go for, but it was good. Penny is a 14yr old city girl who ends up moving back to the small town her mother grew up in as a young girl. Her parents are doing a trial separation, and she cannot wait to get back to her city life. But the opening of the cupcake bakery indicates this might be a longer stay than what she would like. Their are the typical aspects...the bullies, the new best friend to confide in, and the boy she is crushing on. No big surprises, but plenty of warm fuzzy feelings at the end.

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